Probionat, a company expert in green and natural cosmetics, is specialised in creating, manufacturing and packaging for a third party certified natural cosmetic products. These products are made from essential oils and plant and fruit extracts.
Probionat develops numerous dosage forms (emulsions, gels, jellified oils, lotions, bi phasis, balms…) to create ranges of custom products combining the knowledge of natural ingredients and the mastery of new technologies.
Probionat helps you throughout the Ecological and Organic Cosmetics certification of products and assists its clients to build their regulatory and technical files.
The company, settled from the beginning in la Fare-les-Oliviers, at the heart of the Provence, employs nowadays more than 30 people and produces for France and for the export market in more than 15 countries.
In 1984, Marie-Paule Magonet and her husband André create the SPA, the Provencal Society of Aromatherapy in Salon de Provence.
They create and commercialise the range SPA, natural cosmetics products made from essential oils.
In 1993, the company with a total of 6 employees moves out, settles in la Fare-les-Oliviers and creates Probionat. This structure will be destined to manufacture products for third parties and thus will answer to the demands of many SPA products clients wishing customised products.
In 1995, Les Gavots de Provence, the brand of natural care and well-being products made from plant and fruit extracts was born.
In 2006, Dominique Collart joins the company. From 2006 to 2010 he is going to discover the structure and work on its reorganisation and optimisation.
In 2011, Dominique starts to develop the company on the export market.
Today Probionat employs about thirty people, mainly women. On average, staff members have 10 years of experience in the company.
As the plants and fruits of which it extracts the aromas, the company has grown steadily and has known a harmonious and continuous development.
You wish to create products made from essential oils and plant and fruit extracts and you wish to lean on the expertise of Probionat in Research & Development.
We are present at every stage of your cosmetic project : creation, choice of wraps and decoration, certification, manufacture, packaging and controls, regulatory files and financing thanks to the Research Tax Credit.
The full ranges that we produce (creams, milks, foams, shampoos, exfoliants, bath salts, deodorants, toothpaste...) can be packed in various containers : flasks, pots, airless system, … Imagine ! We can adapt…
You want to start and plan to make a first short range : we create your customized product range.
You want to produce little ranges ? Probionat is flexible enough to create it.
You want to start medium or big ranges ? Probionat has the industrial tool to handle these quantities.
You can leave the storage of your wraps and raw materials with us : we have premises available to store your products and you have access in real time to the records of your stocks thanks to the client interface of this website.
We help you establish your regulatory files.
Since July 2013, you must establish an information file of your products including a toxicology report and the validation of safety margin calculations of every ingredient for each of your cosmetic products.
The ANSM (National Agency for Drugs and health products Safety) and Fraud Control can ask you to show this file in the event of an audit.
We build the regulatory cosmetic file and help you obtain ecological and organic cosmetic certifications (Ecocert, Qualité France, Cosmos et Nature).
We are at your disposal to help you establish or update these documents.
We strictly control our production at every stage of the manufacturing in order to be in accordance with our clients’ requirement specifications.
We improve our processes all the time.
Probionat works all the time to go beyond ANSM recommendations and therefore targets several goals
At Probionat, two people are specifically dedicated to these quality control processes outside the Laboratory
• At the arrival of the raw materials before their placing in storage, a visual and olfactory check as well as a control of the textures is made.
It is only after this phase that the products are actually placed into stock.
• On the packaging chain of the end products, in order to check the conformity of the production before the delivery.
At Probionat the laboratory, essential in the processes of Research and Development, creation and manufacturing, employs 5 people that is to say a sixth of the workforce.
Its role is varied :
It creates your products and test them.
It takes part in the process of manufacturing to check the quality of the production.
It works in R&D to imagine new dosage forms.
Probionat is certified for the manufacture and packaging of cosmetic products.
We can therefore produce your ranges under this label.
COSMOS is a private European-wide standard which was developed by five founding members including Ecocert for France. This grouping and its label aim to define common minimum requirements, to harmonize the certification rules for organic and natural cosmetics and to lobby institutions in order to defend the sector.
COSMOS uses the principles of the ECOCERT standard (version January 2003)